Page 4 - Diabetic Clarity
P. 4
Diabetic Clarity
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................. 7
A Look At Type I Diabetes ........................................................... 8
A Look At Type II Diabetes .......................................................... 8
A Look At Gestational Diabetes ..................................................... 9
A Look At Bronze Diabetes ........................................................... 9
A Look At Diabetes Insipidus ........................................................ 9
Chapter 1: Understanding The Basics Of Diabetes .................. 11
How Does Diabetes Come About In The First Place? .............................. 12
Chapter 2: Diabetes Symptoms: What Should You Look Out For
............................................................................................... 14
The Connection Between Diabetes and Exercise: Why It’s So Important?
............................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 3: How Can Doctors Diagnose and Treat Type 1 and
Type 2 Diabetes ...................................................................... 17
How Do Doctors Diagnose Diabetes? ........................................... 18
How To Treat Diabetes ........................................................................... 19
How can you effectively manage your blood glucose levels? ........... 19
What Are The Key Points Of Monitoring Your Blood Glucose Levels? 19
Create A Sensible Meal Plan ....................................................... 19
Stay Active With Physical Exercise .............................................. 20
Taking Medication (Insulin and Diabetes Pills) .............................. 21
Why You Need To Self-Monitor Your Blood Sugar Level .......................... 21
What Are The ABCs of Monitoring Your Diabetes? .................................. 22
Chapter 4: What Are The Serious Complications of Out-Of-
Control Diabetes ..................................................................... 24