Page 100 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 100
Using what we now know about forming the designation of over one, under two or over two
weaves, you can see that other weaves are possible. and under one. Try them out and see the results for
Here I show two other forms, using a simple yourself!
Here the method works from right to left, bringing the individual outer cords over one from the left and
over two from the right, resulting in the appearance of over one, under two for any individual cord in the
finished work.
The opposite working for this weave gives a slightly different effect and one that you may not go out of your
way to see, but in larger pieces it can be appreciated, particularly when you place one alongside the other!
Five-strand sinnets
There are at least two methods of making a Five- sinnet making, it is my hope that you will find ways
Strand Sinnet. They are shown here but are not the of making yet more patterns.
only available patterns. Examples of other patterns First Method 1, using what ends up as the
are given later. As you progress with your own familiar over-two, under-two pattern:
Method 1
1 Divide the strands into two groups, three left 2 Bring the outer left over two to a position
below the other two…
and two right.