Page 103 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 103
4 – left outside over one, under one… 5 – right outside under one, over one, under one.
Repeat the left/right pattern of stage 2 and 3
(4 and 5) to the end.
The final weave, left slightly open.
Method 2
This next six-strand is a small departure from the
over-one, under-one style. It is also the first of a
thicker and tighter variety of sinnet, in this case
forming a stiff rectangular cross-section. It takes
some getting used to, because you change from
starting ‘over’ on each side to ‘under’ on each side
and then again back to ‘over’ on each side. You will
also have to be careful that you do not mix up the
order of the cords as you handle them. To help you
here, I’ve numbered the cords to show the order
you end with after each stage below. You might also
try doubling or tripling the cords or making it with
1 Start with four cords to the left and two to the
leather strips for a wonderfully graphic effect.
right, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.