Page 15 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 15

MATErIALs,  METHods,  MEAsUrEMEnTs,  And  TooLs           9

                                                                          sometimes the lace will break when you are partway
                                                                          through a project. Also, because it is a natural
                                                                          fabric and therefore subject to natural blemishes,
                                                                          you should be prepared to cut away sections that
                                                                          don’t meet your standards or tastes. When a break
                                                                          happens or cutting becomes necessary in a neat
                                                                          piece of work (as opposed to work that is not
                                                                          intended for close up inspection), you can add a
                                                                          new section by skiving a new length of lace on to
                                                                          the existing piece and then hiding the join under a
                                                                          crossing section. Skiving is a term used to describe
                                                                          the action of paring away two overlapping pieces of
                                                                          leather in opposing slopes, gradually tapering each
                                                                          side of the joint, and then gluing them together so
                                                                          that the overlapped thickness appears not to have
                                                                          changed. Ask your local leather store for a glue to
                                                                          use in skiving. I sometimes use cyanoacrylate glue
                                                                          (CA or superglue) and sometimes rubber cement –
                      How does it work?                                   it just depends on what I am making.
                      Leather laces and straps are sliced in a continuous
                      ribbon using a strap-cutting tool that is run around
                      the outer edge of a hide. The width of this ribbon     Tip Be very careful to avoid dirtying long
                      can vary from an eighth of an inch to two inches       lengths of light-coloured lace. if necessary, use
                      wide or more.                                          white cotton gloves for handling.
                          There are two principal types of leather laces
                      and straps. The first is straight-cut lace, which in
                      cross section is perfectly rectangular. It has no   Leather also stretches during the making of a knot,
                      bevelled edges. Professional knotters find straight-  and may show up as an unusually thin section if
                      cut lace more difficult to work with because it can   pulled too hard. To get the best results, be patient
                      leave unsightly bulges in their work. However,      and pull leather through by hand using a gentle
                      straight-cut lace is cheaper, and also less prone to   tugging motion and, when dealing with a small
                      breaking when pulled through a piece of braiding.   gap, by inserting a lifter or other tool under the
                      This makes it a good choice for beginners to work   strip. Saddle soap is also very useful in easing the
                      with. The second type, bevelled-edge lace, will break   tension. Practise with a spare piece if you are at all
                      if pulled too eagerly and takes more care in working,   concerned.
                      although the end result is absolutely marvellous!
                      Using leather requires patience, both in drawing up   What doesn’t work
                      the work (tightening the strands as they are woven   Leather does not take well to exposure to water
                      through the piece) and in adapting the piece if some   unless treated specifically to resist its effects.
                      widths and thicknesses are not optimal. The use of   Leather also does not react well to heat or age.
                      bevelled edges is essential if you want the piece to   It becomes dry, stiff, and brittle over time.
                      look clean, not lumpy and misshapen.                Maintenance is important if you want your piece to
                                                                          last. Use an appropriate finish for the kind of leather
                      What works                                          you have chosen, whether it is suede, vegetable-
                      Leather cut in a continuous ribbon is subject to    tanned, oil-tanned, or has some other special finish
                      natural thinning in sections, so be aware that      or appearance. Leather will stand up to sunlight
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