Page 13 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 13

2                       Materials, Methods,


                                            and tools

                      This chapter shows how you can obtain and use       this stretch, shrink, burn, fade, or do anything else
                      fibres to create the knotted designs shown here.    in reaction to stressors? What colours, finishes,
                      There are too many places where materials may       types, and thicknesses are available? Are there
                      be obtained for me to show them all; you may find   special glues, lacquers, varnishes or coatings that
                      some other place near you that is a good source –   I should or should not use? These are all typical
                      just keep your eyes peeled for an opportunity! If   questions, and are proper for those starting out.
                      you take the initiative to join a group such as the    There are many materials one can use to create
                      International Guild of Knot Tyers, the International   knots and knotted articles. Artists have used
                      String Figure Association or the Basketmakers       everything from carbon fibre to hempen cord. A
                      Guild, I feel sure you will find a contact, perhaps   few of the more common materials are examined
                      nearby, who can help you. Good luck!                here. These are leather, cord, wire, line, plastic,
                                                                          and natural fibres. You will learn what to use them
                      MATERIALS                                           for and where to get them, how to treat something
                      Materials! I usually field many questions about     you’ve made with them, and any potential problems
                      materials when I demonstrate knotting. What         their use implies.
                      should I use and where will I find some? Surely they   A word about the construction of cords and
                      don’t still make that, do they? What do I do with it   lines: Some are known as laid cords or line. These
                      when it is finished? Where should I store it? Does   are cords made by twisting the original fibres into
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