Page 9 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 9
getting started 3
Knotting todAy cord, we start to see the possibilities for an even
To some people, decorative knotting is an art, greater set of choices. By understanding this basic
enjoyed for its simplicity or complexity and for the premise, we can then proceed to develop specific
wide variety of textiles, lines, and textures present. shapes in the finished article, producing knob knots,
For others, decorative knotting is a legacy of folk buttons, stars, roses, or more complex mats.
craft that exists for others to practise, and for all to Going beyond the production of articles for
enjoy. For a third group, decorative knotting is a skill practical purposes that have a decorative finish, we
to be mastered and learned, so that the art and craft then look at ways in which we may create works
may be passed on to others. Scientists enjoy the of knotting that are purely decorative, having no
descriptive possibilities that knot topology provides other purpose than to look elegant. Now we explore
for understanding the universe. Manual therapists realms of possibility of cord choice in fabric, colour,
like the repetitive motions inherent in tying knots, and texture. We can start to explore some of the
which may be good therapy for mending minds and knotting used for weddings and other ceremonies.
bodies. Your interest may be artistic or practical, We start to look at haute couture and fashion, where
manual, or mathematical. There are challenges and the use of cord is becoming ever more prevalent.
opportunities for all in decorative knotting. Above
all, decorative knotting is something to be enjoyed, WHere decorAtive Knots
whether in the making, using and admiring or in Are Used
passing on to others. I have placed decorative knots in the unlikeliest of
places, such as on a hiking staff, on a kettle handle,
Using decorAtive cord and as a doormat, so nothing would surprise or
Cords come in a variety of types, sizes, materials, puzzle me about where to place or how to use a
and colours. Different types of cords and different decorative knot. Some decorative knots lie flat,
thicknesses produce very different effects, even in
the same knot. The straightforward ‘over-under’
style of weaving cords has many applications,
including braids, sinnets, simple mats, rail
coverings, and so on. By varying the ‘over-under’ to
include more than one crossing, or more than one
A square knot that cannot be undone, garnish-
ing the cape on a marble statue of Ferdinando d’e
Catolico at the Palacio Real, Madrid, Spain. Note Trees trained into a latticework known as
also the tassels. pleaching, in Barcelona, Spain.