Page 4 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 4



                   The author sincerely thanks his fellow knot-tyers for    farther, and may even be able to contribute by
                   having shared their knowledge and skills so freely.   deriving a simpler tying method, perhaps a new
                   Whether they are members of the International      knot, or even make some meaningful contribution
                   Guild of Knot Tyers, KnotHeads Worldwide, or       to the store of knot knowledge.
                   simply the folks who stop by any of the demon  stra-  Among the names of people whom I wish to
                   tions and displays in which I have taken part, their   thank on this page, if I have not already done so
                   knowledge has been invaluable in providing pointers   many times in person, are Brian Field, Harold Scott,
                   and answers to the questions that plague each of us   Georg Schaake, Gary Sessions, and Bud Brewer, all
                   when making a knot for the first time. Without the   of whom have now passed away – thank you all for
                   available knowledge of those who have gone before,   your great contributions to an ongoing craft that is
                   each of us would be forced to start from scratch and   still alive and well, thanks to your efforts. Finally,
                   would undoubtedly find the process less inventive   and with the hope that she will forgive my putting
                   and more a simple search for whatever truths knot-  her name last and by no means least on these
                   tying brings – it has charms to soothe the savage   pages, my wife, Kim. Without your support and
                   breast [William Congreve: The Mourning Bride;      encouragement this would not have been possible –
                   1697 originally: Musick has charms to sooth the    thank you!
                   savage breast] or it may be that it shows the person   This book is dedicated to the memory of all great
                   just how much their persistence may be stretched.   knot-tyers and to all who have trodden this rare and
                      By standing on the shoulders of giants we see   exotic path – the journey continues!
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