Page 7 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 7

1                      getting started

                      A Brief History of tying                            or lashings around branches, either with bark torn

                      Making strong lines out of natural cordage is a fairly   from trees or dried grasses and vines that littered
                      primitive process, and the use of natural cordage   the forest floor. Securing skins to the body or about
                      has not altered much since early humankind’s crude   a shelter was mostly done using lines and cords.
                      beginnings. The process of using lines dates back   The functional knots used to do this have developed
                      at least 380,000 years, to when the inhabitants of   through the ages as new materials and tools have
                      Terra Amata in France tied branches together to     been invented to assist with holding or pulling
                      form shelters, or even further back in history to   objects.
                      when Homo erectus (upright man) gathered groups        Knots may have been used for decorative
                      of rocks for making tools such as axes, cleavers,   purposes since 45,000 to 50,000 years ago, as
                      and scrapers. It is possible that such rocks had to be   stone and ostrich shell beads have been found in
                      carried more than one or two at a time and therefore   the Loiyangalani River Valley of the Serengeti
                      would have required a basket of leaves or some other   National Park in Tanzania, Africa (New Scientist,
                      knotted or woven structure to facilitate this action   March, 2004). Beads require the use of string to
                      (History and Science of Knots, JC Turner, P van de   suspend them, which indicates to this writer that
                      Griend, Eds, World Scientific Publishing, 1996).    knotting used in decoration has existed for at least
                      Tying knots may have started with simple bindings   that length of time. The use of these beads may
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