Page 29 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 29

MATErIALs,  METHods,  MEAsUrEMEnTs,  And  TooLs          23

                          The next object, masking tape, is not often
                      thought of as a tool, but it is exceedingly useful     The next tool is a wooden fid, a tapered tool used
                      when you want to apply a temporary whipping to      to part strands when making splices in three-strand
                      the end of a cord, when you want to stiffen a cord   or four-strand fibre lines. It is also very useful when
                      for passing it through a piece, or when you need    you want to make a small space in a decorative knot
                      to use a permanent marker to identify which of      through which to pass a piece of cord.
                      several cords you are using. Masking tape holds well
                      temporarily and can be pulled off and discarded
                      after it is no longer useful, or when you have
                      finished your piece. Don’t leave it in place for too
                      long or it will leave a nasty adhesive residue behind!

                                                                             A good pair of hemostats is essential if you want
                                                                          to pull a cord through a small gap. The hemostats
                                                                          shown are a great pair, made in stainless steel, and
                                                                          can be locked in the closed position while gripping
                                                                          an end or a bight of cord.

                          Above right is polyester whipping twine. I use
                      a waxed polyester twine, which is very strong and
                      available in multiple colours, for whipping the
                      end of my cords and for constrictor knots to hold
                      sections of cords in place.
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