Page 31 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 31

3                      flat knots

                      Flat knots are made in two dimensions and come      are seven bights or ‘bumps’ around the perimeter
                      in round, square, or other geometric plane figures.   and six parts crossing each other around the inside
                      Cruciform (cross-shaped) knots are covered in       of the knot. The leads are the pieces that make up
                      Chapter 11, but all other flat knots are in this    the crossings from outside to inside. The leads may
                      chapter. They are, of course, not really flat – rather,   be doubled, as they are here, or they can be tripled,
                      they are made so that there is only one intended    or doubled and doubled again – whatever fits the
                      depth, that of the crossing of one line over        size of cord you are using. More bights would result
                      another.                                            in a greater roundness, but would also cause there to
                                                                          be more bights on the inside, making the knot some-
                      ROund-Shaped Flat KnOtS                             what more open in the centre for a flat mat (many
                      One of the first round flat knots to try is a mat using   bights in the centre results in a crowded and bulky
                      one variety of the Turk’s Head Knot. Turk’s Head    centre).
                      Knots are described by the number of bights around     This round flat mat, using the Turk’s Head
                      the perimeter, the number of leads or crossings     pattern, took fifteen feet of ¼-inch cord and ended
                      they make from the outside toward the centre, and   up being quite tight and about six inches across,
                      the number of times the original length of cord is   just to give you some idea of scale. Take a look at
                      doubled, tripled, or doubled again! The following   other Turk’s Head Knots throughout the book,
                      instruc tions describe how to make a Turk’s Head    particularly in Chapter 9, where Turk’s Head Knots
                      Knot of seven bights and six leads. This means there   are also made cylindrically instead of flat.
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