Page 59 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 59

braids  and  plaits    53

                                                                          here is my tentative view, used in this book to try to
                                                                          make sense of some very mixed terms:
                                                                             A braid is an over and under intertwining (or an
                                                                          over and back, or a mixture of the two) of three or
                                                                                 more strands, cords, ribbons, or pieces to
                                                                                         produce an interwoven structure
                                                                                            capable of working flat as a
                                                                                             ribbon or round or other-
                                                                                              shaped as a cord or rope.
                                                                                                  A plait is an intertwining
                                                                                               of four or more strands,
                                                                                                cords, ribbons, or pieces
                                                                                                to produce an interwoven,
                                                                                               mostly flat in finished shape,
                      eight-strand lay, and ‘braided rope’, and referring to                 and moderately complex
                      the fact that it has a greater number of yarns instead   surface-textured structure. It is normally used as
                      of the eight-strand construction of plaited rope.   a belt or a ribbon or as a decorative object over a
                          The Compact Oxford English Dictionary           generally flat surface.
                      (OED) refers to the origin of the word plait as        A sinnet is an over and under intertwining that
                      having come in written form from about 1440 and     has a definite shape in cross-section. This shape
                      defines it as ‘a contexture of three or more interlaced   varies and includes half-round, round, square,
                      strands of hair, ribbon, straw or any cord-like     oblong, triangular, and other more complex shapes.
                      substance’.                                         Sinnets are comprised of more than three separate
                          The OED also describes a braid as ‘anything     strands, cords, or ropes. They have a complex
                      plaited, interwoven or entwined’, which indicates   surface texture and pattern, and are used as a
                      the possibility of it having been formed from a     decoration or decorative ornament.
                      single strand or perhaps two strands. They, too,       Braids then, generally, are simple structures
                      refer to Captain Smith’s Seaman’s Grammar (1627)    having the same surface appearance, plaits have a
                      directing the seaman to ‘brade up close all them    generally flat cross-section and may have a more
                      sailes’.                                            complex surface structure and cross-section,
                          I got no further ahead with examining this set   and sinnets are complex structures with complex
                      of similarities, so I set about trying to define braids,   patterns and usually a larger number of strands or
                      plaits, and sinnets based on differences in common   parts than either braids or plaits. Sinnets are also
                      usage. When I hear others speak of braiding or      more likely to be solid shapes.
                      forming a braid, it is with respect to a person’s hair.   Let’s start with braids and see what we can
                      Hair braiding may be performed with three or more   develop. Before making any braid or plait, it is
                      strands of the hair caught up in bundles, perhaps   useful to set up a station at the workbench, table,
                      being twisted as it is formed. When I hear people   or wherever you are comfortable working. When I
                      talk about plaits they mostly refer to three-strand   am working on a piece of braiding or plaiting, I use
                      intertwining and not more, and maintaining a flat   a clamp, pictured above, which is itself clamped at
                      structure to the individual strands or bundles of hair   the edges to a table. This kind of clamp, with wood
                      as well as a flat structure to the finished product.   screw-tightened jaws and a brass frame, is very
                      Almost nobody I know speaks of sinnet or sennit,    helpful for holding the braid as you complete it. A
                      because they do not know the term, or have only     simple bench-top vice with soft jaws (you can get
                      heard it in reference to sailor’s work and cannot   these as inserts of plastic from your local hardware
                      define it differently than braiding or plaiting. So,   shop) will also work well.
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