Page 57 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 57

flat  knots    51

                      8          Finally pass under, over, under, over, under, over   9   – pulling through and then fairing the knot

                                                                                   to the desired shape (here, left ovate) until
                               to finish up where the right cord started…
                                                                                   ready for doubling.

                                                                          more rounded shape of the mat overall, although, of
                                                                          course, there is nothing wrong with an ovate mat, as
                                                                          long as that is what you want!

                                                                          Five half-hitch Mat
                                                                          The last of the mats shown here is the Five
                                                                          Half- Hitch Mat. You have seen the pattern of
                                                                          development from one to four Half-Hitches and the
                                                                          corresponding increase in the number of perimeter
                                                                          bights from five to eleven. This last mat gives you
                       The completed mat, made with three passes.         thirteen outer bights. Maybe you would like to try
                                                                          for fifteen bights, or perhaps even more? The mat
                       There is a square crossing pattern in the centre, as   shape is good and deserves added colours or added
                       you can see – but wait, there’s more! Notice how   bights, or both, just to show off!
                       ovate or egg-shaped the mat is? This is because       Here is the last of the Half-Hitch Mats included
                       there are more parts on each end of the mat than   in this book, in its finished form. Do you see the
                       there are parts along each side of the knot. Count   pentagon in the centre, with two triangular-shaped
                       them to check for yourself. These uneven parts     crossings above and one below? The next in the
                       can be smoothed out by more purposeful fairing     series will have fifteen bights and begin with six
                       or dressing, just like we have done with the Five   Half Hitches – give it a try!
                       Half-Hitch Mat below. The eleven bights should be
                       faired up to make them even in shape and make a
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