Page 52 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 52
46 the ultimate book of decorative knots
Half HitcH Mats
Next we look at the Half Hitch Style Mat. This style and succeeding Half-Hitch, and overlapping in
of mat uses Half Hitches in succession to form a the centre of the mat. Look at the stages where I
very handsome interweave. The mat may be given describe this below. For the superstitious among
various names, depending on who made it. Because you, the largest mat shown here has thirteen bights
I work based on structure, I call the series Half around the edge, so take care! We start with a single
Hitch Mats, because they have clear Half Hitches to Half Hitch Mat, which has five bights to the edge.
start each one, each interlinked with its preceding
Single half-hitch Mat
1 Form an
4 now reverse and go anti-clockwise over, under,
over, under, over to the start.
2 Bring the working end over
the loop clockwise…
3 – continue clockwise over, over, under. Here is the Single, Hitch Mat, tripled.