Page 47 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 47

flat  knots    41

                                                                          A Prolong Mat of sixteen bights.

                          A friend of mine recently announced that he had   a small adjustment when following the instructions
                      made a mat according to the instructions in a book.   for an Ocean Plait Mat and ended up ‘inventing’
                      He very proudly showed me the result of his labours,   a new mat! It is a most unusual and eye-catching
                      shown in the photograph. I pointed out that this was   piece and I asked that he not change it – it makes
                      the first and only example of a nine-bight flat mat I   a wonderful addition to the lexicon of decorative
                      had seen made in this form (there are other forms   knotting. Maybe you also will invent a unique piece,
                      of nine-bight mats) – it turned out that he had made   whether by accident or deliberate action!
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