Page 48 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 48
42 the ultimate book of decorative knots
tRiangulaR Mat
This next mat is a Triangular Mat, appearing in
The Ashley Book of Knots as #2332, which could be
made, he says, into a Chinese Knot for a pendant,
although he offers an alternative, which is shown
later under Chinese Knots in Chapter 11 for those
who prefer that shape for jewellery. I like this one,
which can be used to fit neatly in each of the four
corners of a square design, so that it enhances the
space left in the centre, rather than just placing a
square knot in a square space.
1 Start with a triple (trefoil) 4 With the left-hand cord going under, over,
knot, which is a clockwise
loop over, with the left end
passed under both parts of
the loop and the right end
passed anti-clockwise over,
under, over.
5 – now we form the outer loops with the new
Rh cord going anti-clockwise under, over…
2 take the two lowest bights from Stage 1 and
pull them out and down to the sides.
3 the right-hand cord now goes over one and 6 – and then returning anti-clockwise under, over,
then under itself.
under one.