Page 44 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 44
38 the ultimate book of decorative knots
long RectangulaR Mats
The two mats that follow are, respectively, an Ocean
Plait Mat and a Prolong Mat. Note that the Prolong
Mat has a different start than the Ocean Plait, and 4 Slide the left-
yet adds only two bights to the outer edge. Try hand bight over
making one with two more bights added to each side the right-hand.
and see what happens!
Ocean plait Mat
tie a lh Overhand Knot in
1 the middle of the cord.
5 Weave the lh cord
over, under, under,
over to trap the lower
2 extend the two lowest crossings to make two
bights about as long as the desired length of
3 handedness of the following directions). 6 – then weave the Rh cord under, over, under,
twist both bights a half turn each to the left.
If you tied a Rh Overhand to start, turn each
bight a half turn to the right (and reverse the
over, under to finish at the bottom bight.