Page 45 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 45
flat knots 39
7 Bring the other cord around to
follow it back up through the whole
mat to finish.
Note that if you extend the original bights in Stage
3, then twist each of the lower loops immediately
after completing Stage 6 and re-cross them and
thread the ends of the cords through (as you did in
Stages 4, 5, and 6), you can increase the number of
bights around the perimeter of an Ocean Plait Mat The finished Ocean Plait Mat, tripled and with
from eight to twelve, producing a longer mat.
eight bights around the perimeter.
under the other
prolong Mat 2 Continue clockwise
The Prolong Mat is a similar mat to the Ocean Plait, cord, then over,
under, over, under.
but has at least ten bights along the perimeter. Here
is the sequence for this rather longer-length mat,
which may be expanded in the same manner as the
Ocean Plait by adding another twist to each of the
loops before feeding the ends through.
1 Starting at the centre of your rope make a clock-
wise overhand turn and cross over the loop this
pull out two bights, initially upward to extend the
3 cords…