Page 42 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 42

36  the  ultimate  book  of  decorative  knots

                   OtheR ShapeS
                   Other shapes, naturally, include anything not
                   strictly round or square. Hence, oval, long rectangle,
                   triangular, and more. Try these shapes and see
                   which you like best!

                   oval Mat
                 1      First, make a Z-shape curve.           4        now take the left-hand

                                                                        cord under, over, under,
                                                                        over the right-hand

                                                                 5         now continue with that cord under the tail of

                  2        Close the top of the Z and move the loop this   the other cord then under, over, under, over.

                           makes over the tail of the bottom of the Z.

                                                                    6        here the cord is pulled

                                                                             through to its proper
                  3         take the right-hand cord and pass it under,      place.

                            over, under the left-hand loop.
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