Page 76 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 76
70 tHE UltiMatE bOOK OF dECOratiVE KnOts
5 … and wrap it back over to the right, finishing
below its former mate.
Overall, take each strand in turn, the outer one from
each side, wrapping it behind and between the two
on the opposing side, and then return it below its
former pair-mate.
Here is what happens with two blue on the left, Here is what happens with a start of alternating
two green on the right. colours, one blue, one green, one blue, one green –
spiralling colours!
Plait Two
The second method of plaiting is to create a pattern as you make it, because it has more strands packed
of chevrons on the surface. This gives an unusual in to one side than the other. Be sure to set up your
look to the edge, reminiscent of a rope. The workspace so that you maintain tension on your
difficulty I have found with it is that it wants to twist anchor as you proceed with the work.
1 start with four strands… 2 – tuck the right under two and over one…