Page 78 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 78

72  tHE  UltiMatE  bOOK  OF  dECOratiVE  KnOts

                  3         – and then take the next right cord again under   4  repeat with outer right cord as necessary for

                            three and over one, being sure to pull it tight to
                                                                               length, being sure to pull the cord hard to the
                            the left.

                                                  Here we see the plait from the front…

                                   … and here we see it from the side, with an interesting ‘ropelike’ texture.

                   Plait Two Method
                   This pattern is also plaited using strands from one
                   edge, but goes under and over a different number.

                 1        We start, of course, with five strands clamped

                          together, and then pass under two, over one,
                          under one.
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