P. 38

Continued from  page  12             his literary works, in effect sacrificing
                                    dox       a fortune. Given the privileged posi-  Tolstoy is to follow his lead and recog-
         Church he had grown up in. He        tion in which Tolstoy started his life,   nize that the best way to challenge our
         adopted a revolutionary brand of     his personal transformation, if not   assumptions and prejudices, and devel-
         Christianity based on spiritual and   complete, still deserves our admira-  op new ways of looking at the world, is
         material austerity. He gave up drink-  tion.                              to surround ourselves with people
         ing, smoking, and became a vegetar-                                       whose views and lifestyles differ from
         ian. He also inspired the creation of   6. Become a craftsman Tolstoy recog-  our own. In Resurrection, he pointed
         utopian communities of simple, self-  nized that striking a balance between   out that most people - whether they are
         sufficient living, where property was   mind and body was an essential part   politicians, businessmen or thieves -
         held in common. These "Tolstoyan"    of his creative process. He not only   "instinctively keep to the circle of
         communities spread around the        regularly put down his pen to guide a   those people who share their views of
         world and lead Gandhi to found an    horse-drawn plough across the fields,   life and their own place in it". Cosseted
         ashram in 1910 named the Tolstoy     but kept a scythe and saw leaning up   within our peer group, we may think it
         Farm.                                against the wall next to his writing   perfectly normal and justifiable to own
                                              desk. In his last years, when writers   two homes, or to oppose same-sex
         5. Beware your contradictions This   and journalists came to pay homage to   marriage, or to bomb countries in the
         new, simpler life was not without its   the bearded sage, they were always   Middle East. We cannot see that such
         struggles and contradictions. Tolstoy   surprised to find one of the world's   views may be perverse, unjust, or un-
         famously preached universal love     most famous authors huddled over his   true, because we are inside circles of
         yet was constantly fighting with his   cobbling tools making a pair of boots.   our own making.
         wife. Moreover, the apostle of       If Tolstoy were here today he would
         equality was never able to fully     no doubt suggest we get some craft   The challenge is to spread our conver-
         abandon his wealth and privileged    into our lives rather than grant so   sational wings and spend time with
         lifestyle. He lived until old age in a   much of our leisure time to tweeting   those whose values and experiences
         grand house with servants. But in    and texting.                         contrast with our own. Our ultimate
         the early 1890s he managed -                                              task, Tolstoy would advise us, is to
         against his family's wishes - to relin-  7. Expand your social circle The most   journey beyond the perimeters of the
         quish copyright to a huge portion of   essential life lesson to take away from   circle !!

        38                                                                                 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር ”                                                          ድንቅ   መጽሔት -  መስከረም  2012
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