P. 42
Continued from page 32
planned to write about. giving a couple of dollars dis- their connections to the space they
count is common for whom the currently occupy and their contin-
About their Services: There are cashiers have known/acquainted ued involvement back home. The
common complaints of human errors with. only thing they knew is identifying
just like any other store operations. their products and their customers.
One can easily sense that we hear a Keep in mind that the Ethiopian
partial (Hi) greeting gesture when Diasporas’ mentality has changed Conversely, they don’t compromise
customer walk in into the stores or since they immigrated. They are business expectation and reality. In
thank you compliments after custom- now discount oriented communi- this sense, I doubt they live in com-
er pays that we hear in other foreign ty. The owners do not accept this petitive business world. In addition,
stores. But they do say so ” እሺ-Ok” reality yet; but they like it or not there seems gender barrier. That is
for foreign customers which is all Customer service is a driving why we don’t see many Ethiopian
purpose Ethiopian expressional force for business operation. women who own business other
word. than working along with male com-
As we all know, the Ethiopian panion to elevate over head costs.
Getting smile from Cashier/Owners community is the Ethiopian Store
are remote unless they knew the cus- owners’ business and enjoyed the There are other issues they have to
tomers. Giving cash transaction re- fruit of their loyalty. Diaspora take into account among which are:
ceipts for Ethiopian customers is un- stores in general play dual rela- Even though few stores are operat-
usual but available upon request. In tionship or locality that immi- ed by young folks, most of the Ethi-
addition, queues are not respected, grants, exiles, and refugees places opian store owners are older gener-
ation and they are decision maker
behind the scene. Their roles are to
support and coaching to stay afloat
in business.
So far women participation is mini-
mal. So considering generational
change and gender equality are de-
terminant factors to grow and want
to keep their roles as cultural bridge
builders. One thing to remember is
that flexibility is a key to be suc-
cessful in business.
42 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር ” ድንቅ መጽሔት - መስከረም 2012