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              Africa coronavirus cases near 1.2 million mark
                                                                 There is no cure but the polio vaccine protects chil-
              African  countries  are closing in  on 1.2 million   dren for life.
              coronavirus cases mark, according to an update
              by Africa Centres for Disease Control and Pre-     Nigeria  is  the  last  African  country  to  be  declared
              vention (CDC).                                     free  from  wild  polio,  having  accounted  for  more
                                                                 than half of all global cases less than a decade ago.
              The  center  tweeted  that  the  cases  are  now  at   (BBC News)
              1,196,710 with the deaths at 28,014 and recov-
              eries at 922,833.                                  Stem of ship that caused Mauritius oil spill sinks

              South Africa has the most cases at 611,450, fol-   The sinking of the stem of the Japanese bulk carrier
              lowed by Egypt 97,478, Morocco 53,252, Nige-       that caused a huge oil spill off the coast of Mauritius
              ria 52,548, Ghana 43,622, Algeria 42,302, Ethi-    has been completed.
              opia 42,143 and Kenya 32,803.
                                                                 The operation started on Friday, but was slowed
              Southern Africa is the continent’s worst-hit re-   down because of rough sea conditions during the
              gion of the continent followed by northern Afri-   weekend.
              ca  then  the  west.  East  and  central  Africa  have
              recorded the least cases.                          The MV Wakashio's stem is no longer visible on the

              Africa CDC has been urging nations to be more
              aggressive in dealing with the pandemic, calling
              for more testing and contact tracing.

              It recently launched an antibody testing drive to
              understand the magnitude of the virus infections
              in the continent.

              BBC News                                                                                    BBC News
              Africa declared polio free
                                                                 sea surface, the National Crisis Committee con-
              Africa has been declared free from wild polio by
              the independent body, the Africa Regional Cer-     firmed to the BBC.
              tification Commission.
                                                                 Pumping operations to remove the remaining diesel
                                                                 oil in the engine room of the aft have also been com-
              Polio usually affects children under five, some-
              times leading to irreversible paralysis. Death can   pleted.
              occur when breathing muscles are affected.
                                                                 The ship hit a coral reef on 25 July while carrying
              Twenty-five years ago thousands of children in     4,000 tonnes of fuel oil.
              Africa were paralysed by the virus.
                                                                 Most of the oil on board was pumped out before the
                                                                 ship  broke  apart  at  the  weekend  but  nearly  1,000
              The disease is now only found in Afghanistan
              and Pakistan.                                      tones leaked into the sea causing damage to the rich
                                                                 marine ecosystem.
                                                                 (BBC News)

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