Page 11 - The Outdoor Showman OCT-DEC 2021
P. 11

  Showmen’s Guild of Australasia
President’s Report
 4 Turner Avenue, Yatala, QLD 4207 Ph: (07) 3807 0011
Fax: (07) 3807 0730
Office Bearers 2021 PATRON
Angus Lane
Aaron Pink
Shelley Pink-Easey
Leann Allan
Lewis Osborne John Castle
Gary Johnson
Stewart Watkins
Luke Chambers Shane Blades
Elwin Bell Jnr
Glen McGregor
Emile M Verfurth III Christopher Henessey Peter Short
John Roberts
David Allan
Ted Baker
Bradley Chambers Justin Gill
Jackie Gill
Eli McDonald Tyrone Miller Terry Nilon George Pink Michael Wood
Hello to all members,
Well, it only seems like a couple of weeks since I done my last report and time just seems to fly by, Christmas is just around the corner.
I know at the moment there are a lot
of very frustrated and disgruntled Showmen, as to how we are being treated with this insurance situation. A lot of Christmas carnivals in uncertain situations with councils not excepting $10 million policies and $20 million being too expensive for a lot of equipment.
I would like to let everyone know that all Guilds and Association are doing everything they can to find a solution for its members to keep operating. I myself have been having a lot of zoom meeting and phone calls with show society’s asking questions about excepting a 10 million dollar policy and also meetings about a Discretionary Mutual Fund (DMF).
Everything is a very slow process and I’m sorry that we just haven’t got the answer or solution at the moment, but we will keep trying and keep everyone as updated as we can.
l can confirm that any shows insured through the QLD Chamber or NSW ASC are not excepting a 10 million policy and we will put a list out ASAP as to what shows will except 10 million for the start of 2022 shows, so our members can start planning a run of shows
I hope my next report can be a much more positive, and I can talk about all the good things that our industry has to offer; all about and the great lifestyle that we share with our friends and family, and our businesses back to normal with Covid-19 and insurance problems behind us.
I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Aaron Pink President

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