Page 17 - The Outdoor Showman April - June 2022
P. 17
The Role of the “Delegate”
Up until 30 June 2023, the role of the Showmen’s Guild or Association Delegate at each show will change slightly:
You DO NOT need to collect rental and ground administration from eligible Showmen and women in the defined amusement area.
You WILL NEED to complete SASW FORM 1 and provide a copy to the Show Society.
This will assist the Show Society complete FORM 2 (Itinerant Traders) and include all the Showmen and Women’s and Show Business information
on FORM 3 along with their Invoice to the Victorian Showmen’s Guild.
The Victorian Showmen’s Guild
will then pay the Show Society directly.
In simple terms....
Completed by Showmen’s Guild or Association for the defined amusement area
Completed by Ag Show Society for eligible itinerant traders
Ag Show Society summary and invoice to Victorian Showmen’s Guild
+=+ Invoice
Am I eligible ?
Eligibility will be measured on three criteria:
1. Eligible Agricultural Show
2. Eligible Activity
3. Eligible Travelling Show business
Although most travelling Showmen and women, and Show business are members of their
respective peak body, they DO NOT have to be a member of a Showmen’s Guild or Association to be eligible; they just must meet the eligibility criteria.
Ag Show Societies can use
FORM 8 to assist you assess the eligibility of Showmen, women and Show businesses attending your Show, who operate outside the Defined Amusement Area.
For further information about the SASW Showground Rental Relief Program, please email Victorian Showmen’s Guild