Page 14 - The Outdoor Showman July-September 2022
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Safety warning on inflatable rides
Victorian operators of inflatable amusement rides and event organisers hiring them are being urged to review their health and safety obligations after WorkSafe recently found inadequate risk controls at three separate sites. inflatable-amusement-devices
Victorian Showmen’s Guild General Meeting of Members
Thursday 6th October 2022, Shepparton Showground from 1pm
Dear Members,
We wish to advise that the General Meeting of Members will be held on
DATE: Thursday 6th October 2022
TIME: Commencing at 1.00pm
VENUE: Shepparton Showground Meeting room under the grandstand
We look forward to your attendance at the meeting. Kind regards,
Eileen McClure SECRETARY
In Victoria, all food premises are required to have a Food Act registration from their registering council before selling food. This includes fixed premises, such as cafes and restaurants – but also temporary and mobile food premises such as a market stall or a food van.
Streatrader is the online system for businesses and community groups to register and notify their temporary and mobile food premises with their registering council.
Streatrader allows businesses and community
groups to:
• Apply for a Food Act registration with their registering council,
• manage their registration, and
• lodge Statements of Trade for each of their events.
For further information visit
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7 - 8 October 2022
The Donald Show Society has confirmed the Showground redevelopment is now finished.
Members will only be able to gain access via the “middle gate” near the amusement area.
This gate will be dedicated to the amusement trucks.
19 November 2022
The Noorat Show will be held on Saturday 19 November 2022 at the Noorat Recreation Reserve, Mackinnons Bridge Road, Noorat. The Show Society invites members to attend and very much look forward to them again being an integral
part of the excitement of our Show.
The Show Society is seeking larger rides, in particular the Dodgem Cars. The Dodgem Cars are a particular favourite of so many of our patrons and they would love to see them back.
The Society look forward to the amazing rides and amusements offered by VSG members at the 2022 Noorat Show and continuing the valued relationship for many years to come.
16 October 2022
The Rutherglen Show Society wish to advise that the 2022 Show will be held on 16 October 2022.
The Society invites members from the Guild to attend the 2022 show.
This year the Society are not charging an entry fee, and invited a Vintage Motorbike Show to join in on the day, so hoping for a lot bigger crowd than in the couple of years prior to Covid.
The Society is seeking some rides to suit the small kids as well as something for the bigger kids, in particular Dodgem Cars, along with the clowns, shooting gallery etc.