Page 15 - The Outdoor Showman July-September 2022
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  Show Circuit Information
You will find tips and further information about how to register on the website. Once you are registered with your principal Council, you may operate anywhere in Victoria while your registration remains current, by submitting a “Statement of Trade” through Streatrader to the Council
that you intend to operate in. You
will not need to re-register again.
For further information, contact Greater Shepparton City Council on 5832 9731. Application forms and other information can be emailed to you. Completed application forms can be return to Council via email to Insurance
City of Greater Shepparton council have stated all insurance policies must have $20 million cover to operate on Council grounds. Amusement Rides
These must all be insured by the third-party contractor i.e., Showmen’s Guild etc. and a current Certificate
of Currency must be obtained
BEFORE allowing the contractor to
enter the grounds and set up.
There must be a clearway left on corners of streets to allow large emergency vehicles to clear access throughout the grounds and be aware of front of house with awnings, shutters etc. opening onto the street. Movement of large emergency vehicles is not to be hindered by the placement of Amusement rides, sideshow games, activities and sideshow novelties encroaching over boundary lines. Camping
No camping on grassed main arena, camping on the perimeter is fine.
Cattle Unloading and Parking
There will be a cattle unloading/cattle park area sited north of Multi-purpose pavilion with exit out to Williams Rd via Cattle gate. The area will be fenced off from sideshow area on hardstand during showtime. Access to hardstand via Gate 5 will
be available during bump-in Monday 3rd-Wednesday 5th October, but
please be aware we will be moving equipment into Multi-Purpose Pavilion
on those days as we cannot get in
the Multi-Purpose Pavilion to set-up
for the show as we normally do.
The Woodworkers of the GV Club have a woodworking Show Sat 1st and Sun 2nd October in the Multi-purpose Pavilion
due to double booking by Council.
Waste & Rubbish
All rubbish including cable ties, balloon scraps, fairy floss stick, food containers,
cigarette butts, glass bottles, drink cans, baby’s nappies, syringes, carboard and
general household rubbish must be disposed in the appropriate manner and placed
in the appropriate waste bin. Dumping
of mattresses, oil cans, cooking oil, tyres, unwanted electrical goods into skip bins will not be tolerated and must be disposed in the correct manner at the waste transfer station. Dogs
Dogs are not permitted to roam the showground. Please ensure all dogs remain in the care and control of their owners and please clean up after them. The Council Ranger will be notified if dogs are wandering. Traders and Exhibitors:
All marquees must be safely secured to prevent being them moving in the event of wind. Ensure signage, banners, etc are secure. Please ensure all electrical leads are tested and tagged. Please ensure all LPG gas cylinders
are compliant with current safety standards. Camping Area:
No lighting of fires is permitted in camping areas. These areas must be kept clean
and tidy, no dumping of rubbish, cigarette butts, cans, etc and no glass allowed.
We are unable to secure road closure in Fryer’s St Ext for parking of large trucks and vehicles as it will blocks access to PTV bus stop. Only minimal number of heavy vehicles will be allowed to remain on grass arena, due to damage to grass surface in previous years. All excess vehicles must remain off site. Vehicles:
No vehicle movement is allowed during show operating times 10am-10pm, except for Emergency vehicles and where it is necessary. Livestock exhibitors must be escorted and move at walking pace with their hazard
lights operating during show time. Please obey directions given by Traffic Marshalls. Delivery vehicles are only permitted to enter the showground between 7am - 9am on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th October 2022. COVID Safe Event Plan will be required
from all operators of amusement rides, novelties, food sales, trade stall etc. operating at the Shepparton Showgrounds.
All operators will need to ensure their cleaning plan meets current guidelines. cleaning-guidelines-for-workplaces-doc Emergency Vehicle Gate
Meeting Point Gate 3, Access points: Gate
1 (High Street Gate), Gate 3 (Thompson Street) and Gate 7 (Archer Street).
Ensure 1m clearance at all Fire Hydrant Points and access is not blocked by equipment.
The grassed main arena is the designated Emergency Assembly Area
We thank you for understanding and co-operation with these procedures.
7 - 8 October 2022
146th Annual Shepparton Show will
be held on 7-8 October 2022.
Please refer to the Show information below: Attendances
The Shepparton Show will be operating under current public health directions.
Members to enter the Showground
via Gate 5 (Williams Rd). Gate 6 will be unavailable for entry on Monday 3rd October as another event is bumping out. Bump In
Please no entry/camping on the Showgrounds until Monday 3rd October
for bump in. This is when the Show Society obtains control of the Showground. Shepparton Show Food Traders Information 2022
The Shepparton Show is on Friday 7th
and Saturday 9th October 2022 at the Shepparton Showground, 275-299
High Street, Shepparton VIC 3630.
All food vendors must register with Streatrader, and all paperwork must be submitted least 2 weeks prior to our show i.e. show date 7th & 8th October 2022.
Late submissions will not be allowed
to trade at the Shepparton Show.
Please contact Greater Shepparton
City Council Environmental Health
Ph: 03 58329731 or email:
if you require further information.
Under the Victorian Food Act 1984, any person (either a not for profit community group or a commercial business) selling
food or drink at the Shepparton Show
from a temporary or mobile food
premises, must be registered with,
or have notified a Victorian Council.
The registering/notifying Council is
the first Victorian Council in which
you operate within and is determined
by one of the following criteria:
• The address of where your food
business prepares or stores food
before it is sold at the event,
• The address of where the vehicle is usually
garaged or equipment is usually stored,
• The business address,
• The council area that you first operate in. You must contact the registering Council
to discuss your food business operations
and registration requirements.
Registration or notification for temporary and mobile food premises is done online through a web based portal called “Streatrader”
(visit - au/public_site). You will need access to
the internet and have an email address.

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