Page 17 - The Outdoor Showman July-September 2022
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SASW Showground Rent
Rental Reimbursement
Eligible Australian Ag Shows 1 July 2021 – 31 May 2022
Applications closing on 30 September 2022
Applications for rental reimbursement under the SASW Program for Ag Shows held between 1 July 2021 and
31 May 2022 are closing on
30 September 2022.
The SASW Program is designed to support travelling Showmen and Women to get back on their feet after last two years of disruption.
Ag Show Societies, have you put in your applications?
If your Show Society successfully held a Show between 1 July 2021 and 31 May 2022 and received rental income from traveling Show businesses (including power, camping
and other expenses) you may be eligible to apply for rental reimbursement for those Show Businesses.
• Check eligibility of these traders
A list of traders that have already been approved under the SASW Program can
be found under the FAQ section of our website.
If a trader does not appear on this list, please ask them to complete FORM 8 to enable us to confirm their eligibility.
• Complete FORM 6 which is a summary of all eligible traders and the rental and other expense payments they made to you.
• Send signed FORM 6 and any FORM 8s, with an invoice for the total amount from page 3 of FORM 6 to:
Victorian Showmen’s Guild PO Box 36
Or scan and email to:
Once we have approved your application, we will process your invoice so you can reimburse the funds paid
to you, to your traders.
The Supporting Agricultural Showmen and Women – Showground Rental Relief Program (SASW) is travelling along at full speed! Over the past 3 months, the Victorian Showmen’s Guild has successfully delivered over 30% of the overall funds to eligible Show Societies and Showmen and women, which equates to just under $3M.
Your Show Society may be eligible to apply for the SASW Program for your next Show, and this is a reminder of the steps to follow:
What to do to apply for your up-and-coming Show!
If your Show Society has an Ag Show scheduled between now and the 30 June 2023 and traditionally receive rental income from travelling Show businesses (including power, camping and other expenses) you may be eligible to apply for SASW rental relief.
This means the rental you would normally receive from the Showmen’s Guild or Association and those Show Businesses the Ag Show coordinates space directlty with .ie., outside the Showmen’s Guild “Defined Amusement Area” like Showbag operators or show food may be eligible for rental relief under the SASW program.
To apply:
• Review your traders’ applications and records
and identify any traders that should pay rent directly to you for attending your Show.
To apply:
Review your records and identify any traders that paid rent directly to you for the eligible show.
Note: This does not include travelling Showmen or Women in the Showmen’s Guild defined amusement area, as the Guild will apply for the Showmen
and women.
For full details of the SASW Program eligibility and forms please visit the
Rental Relief Eligible Australian