Page 5 - The Outdoor Showman January-March 2021
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The Victorian Showmen’s Guild
Office Closed
Please be advised that the Victorian Showmen’s Guild office will be closed on the following dates: Monday 8th March 2021 for the Labour Day Public Holiday and
Friday 2nd April to Monday 5th April 2021 for the Easter period
reopening on Tuesday 6th April 2021
Forthcoming Meetings
Executive Committee Meetings - Melbourne
Shop 1/157 Mt Alexander Road FLEMINGTON VIC 3031
Executive Committee Meetings
Thursday, 24 June 2021 Tuesday, 28 September 2021 Thursday, 4 November 2021
General Meeting
Thursday, 7 October 2021
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 4.00pm
Should the office be unattended, please leave a recorded message.
Advertising and Copy Deadlines
The Outdoor Showman Subscribers
Subscription fees for The Outdoor Showman Magazine for 2021 are due for payment by 31 January 2021.
Subscription fees are $99.00 (inc GST) for Australian subscribers and $A135.00 for Overseas subscribers.
Subscribers receive four issues per annum circulated in the months of March, June, September and December.
To avoid any delays in receiving future editions of the magazine, please ensure payment is made prior to 31 January 2021.
Renewal Notices
A renewal notice was enclosed in this issue, the October – December 2020 edition of the Outdoor Showman magazine.
Change of Address
It is important that both Guild Members and subscribers to The Outdoor Showman magazine notify the VSG Office as soon as possible of a change of address.
A space is provided in the mailing label.
Important - Payments to the VSG & TOS
All payments made by cheque or money order for Annual Guild Fees, Subscriptions or Outdoor Showman magazine matters, must be made to:
The Victorian Showmen’s Guild
Cheques and Money Orders must be made to the Victorian Showmen’s Guild only.
Cheque made to VSG, TOS or The Outdoor Showman will NOT be accepted.
Your co-operation to the ANZ Bank requirement is appreciated.
Payment Options
Guild Member fees, subscriptions, and advertising fees to the Outdoor Showman can be paid by:
Cheque or money order made out to the Victorian Showmen’s Guild and sent to PO Box 36 ASCOT VALE VIC 3032
Please contact the office should you wish to make payment in person between Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 4.00pm
Or by phone, via credit card by contacting the VSG office on (03) 9376 8544.
April - June
July - September October - December January - March
7 May 2021
1 August 2021 29 October 2021 5 February 2022
Articles and letters are most welcome and can be addressed to the Editor for consideration of publication and on the provision that space is available. Letters to the Editor are to be concise and contain no more that 300 words.
Annual Guild Member’s Fees
All Guild Members are required to renew their Guild Membership fee of $330 inc GST no later that 31 January 2021. Late fees are payable after this date.
If any membership fees and late fees remain outstanding as in accordance to the rules your Guild Membership will be automatically cancelled.
Please contact Justine at the VSG Office immediately if you have a concern over payment.