Page 5 - The Guardians - MPD Summer 2020 Newsletter
P. 5

Recently,   the   whole   world   was   impacted   by   the  we   have   heard   what   our   community   has   said.   We
          COVID-19   pandemic.   As   a   result,   we   ha d   to   clos e  will   become   a   better   police   department   be caus e   of
          certain  services  available  to  the  public  to   he lp   limit  what occurred nationally and locally.
          the   spread   of   COVID-19.   MPD   has   had   seve ral
          employees   that   either   contracted   the   virus    or    were  I   want   to   thank   all   MPD   members   that   de spi te   the
          quarantined   due   to   COVID-19.   From   the    ve ry  risk   of   contracting   COVID-19   they   cont inue    to   do
          beginning,   we   have   been   working   dilige nt ly   to  their   jobs.   While   some   people   have   the   opt ion   to
          provide   enough   masks   and   testing   for   our    members  work from home, first responders do not.  We all took
          to   be   safe   so   we   can   continue   our   mission   to   keep  an   oath   to   protect   and   serve   our   communi ty   and   we
          the community safe.                                    will   continue   to   do   so   despite   the   dange r   we   may
          The shocking and unlawful murder of  George Floyd
          at   the   hands   of   law   enforcement   officers   in  I   also   want   to   thank   everyone   that   donated   pe rsona l
          Minneapolis  was  painful  to  watch.  Let  me  be   clear.  protective   equipment   and   sanitizing   suppl ies   to   he lp
          MPD   and   our   members   do   not   condone   the    actions  keep   our   members   safe   during   COVID-19.   I

          taken   by   those   police   officers.   We   will   always  appreciate   all   of   your   support   for   the   Milwauke e
          respect the right for people to peacefully pr ot est a nd  Police Department. Together we are stronge r and  can
                                                                 get through this. 

                                                      Enjoy The Guardians!

                                      Alfonso Morales, Chief of the Milwaukee P ol ice D epar tment

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