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                              WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO

                                           FILL THE PLATE

                                  FOR SOMEONE ELSE?

                              You provide breakfast, lunch and dinner to someone in shelter.

                              You provide a week's worth of food for families in our
                              community through our weekly pantry service.

                              You provide sack lunches for school age children and
                              working adults staying in our shelters.

                              This summer, will you FILL THE PLATE for someone else?

                              Any gift you make between July 24 — October 31 will
                              help us reach our goal of 200,000 Meals in 100 Days.

                       Harbor Light is a publication of    Muskegon Rescue Mission  Board of Directors  Your Donations Count
           HL          Muskegon Rescue Mission and is   2735 E Apple Ave Ste D  Roger Doctor, President  Muskegon Rescue Mission
                                                                                                 is a 501 (c)(3). 86% of all
                       produced quarterly.
                                                                        Rick Ebeling, Vice President
                                                  Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                  231.727.6090          Chris Thompson, Treasurer  gifts are put back into
                                           Brandon Steury, Secretary  life-changing programs.
                       Mission Statement - We exist to  Dan Skoglund, Executive Director
                       demonstrate and proclaim God’s love              Bryan Betten
                       to the less fortunate and homeless               Dan McKinnon
                       people of West Michigan.                         Cedric Scott                    86%
                                                                        Patrick Wittkopp

        6                                                                                            August 2021  |  Harbor Light
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