Page 97 - Practical Technology 2025
P. 97
Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D Level Three 2 Semester 2024/2025 Pharmaceutical Technology (PT 607)
Problems on sieving and microscopy
1. A powder size analysis was carried out on 192 gm powder A using the
sieve method, the following data were obtained
• Draw a cumulative % frequency under and over size
• Calculate the mean granule diameter
Med point of Weight retained
size range Frequency
250 0
180 4.1
125 8.4
90 13.7
75 15.4
53 32.7
20 117.7
Med point Weight Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative
of size retained mass % Over % Under size
range Frequency retained size
250 0
180 4.1
125 8.4
90 13.7
75 15.4
53 32.7
20 117.7