Page 93 - Practical Technology 2025
P. 93
Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D Level Three 2 Semester 2024/2025 Pharmaceutical Technology (PT 607)
Determine the maximum resolution in (nm) achieved through an oil immersion
lens of numerical aperture 1.4 using an incident light of 380 nm.
NA= 1.4
λ= 380nm
d= (0.61 x λ)/ NA
d= (0.61x380)/ 1.4
=165.57 nm
Manual Optical Microscopy
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Relatively inexpensive 1. Time consuming - high operator
2. Detect aggregates fatigue - few particles examined
3. Each particle individually 2. No information on 3D shape
examined, 2D shape, color, 3. Certain amount of subjectivity
4. Small sample sizes required associated with sizing - operator
2. Scanning Electron Microscope.
Resolving Power (limit of resolution) of electron microscope:
The minimum distance existing between two objects when these objects can
still be observed as separate objects .
d= 0.753/α√