Page 16 - MRN MayJune2017
P. 16

Military Reunion Network | MAY/JUNE 2017 | #militaryreunionsmatter

Continued from page 8                                                     of doing one of the countless activities
                                                                          available to you, you might not want to
families and veterans. A favorite is                                      talk to. More than likely, you just want
the Oratorical Contest during which                                       to take a shower and relax, which, you
high school students recite an eight                                      can do. REALLY. You don’t have to do
to 10-minute speech on the United                                         anything. No pressure. Which is hard to
States Constitution. Competition                                          believe. But, you can. If you want to be
starts at the post level and concludes                                    helpful by doing something, well guess
at the national conference with                                           what, you can. You can be like me,
one representative from each state.                                       and help build a stable for a whole day.
First place winners are awarded                                           Or you can go fish by yourself at the
scholarships of over $15,000.                                             awesome, handicap friendly, pond. The
These kids are bright, articulate and                                     camp, I find, is a lot like life. It is what
passionate about this country. (Our                       YOU make it. And sometimes, a short, weekend-
donation to an American Legion Post                       long, simple reminder of that is just what you need
in Albuquerque, was used to purchase holiday gifts        to bring you back to a well-grounded (no pun
for children of the fallen that would have otherwise      intended for our “legless” warriors out there) reality.”
gone without.)
                                                          There is a need for financia l support as well.
A donation this year went to Camp4Heroes. Their           This is where The Coalition to Salute America’s
mission is to create a place of tranquility, relaxation,  Heroes comes in. Their mission is to help severely-
learning, and rebuilding; a retreat for life, love, and   wounded veterans and families of Operation
respect to promote healing. Executive Director,           Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and
Woody Woodall shared that transitioning veterans          Operation New Dawn recover from their injuries
often deal with physical and emotional scars of           and illnesses, and to inspire other organizations
service. Camp4Heroes is a place for them to               and the public to participate in this effort. Support
rediscover and rebuild their lives. A chilling statistic  can be in the form of emergency financial aid,
in the veteran community is 20 a day. Twenty              conferences and events as well as resources. We
veterans commit suicide every day. Camp4Heroes            had a chance to talk to David Walker CEO last
provides an environment and outlet to keep                month on the MRN radiocast. “Our mission is to
our transitioning veterans off that path. Shanda          provide direct financial aid, emergency financial
Taylor-Boyd said, “After sustaining a TBI and the         aid to veterans that call in every day and use
emotionally crippling effects of PTSD, loss of my         words like repossess, foreclose, and evict. We pay
marriage, physical ability to perform my professional     $1,500 to $1,600 to keep the lights on and keep
responsibilities and inability to function as a mother,   food on the table. We do that so they don’t use
the best therapy was to be in an environment              another set of words like, homeless, abuse divorce,
that was brimming over with “Grandma-like love!”          or suicide.” Unfortunately, the rate of calls to the
Never had I imagined that Thanksgiving 2016 at            Coalition has increased 25% in the last few years.
Camp4Heroes and during my 12th Alive year, that           This is due in part to the limitations of the Veterans
I would experience something so surreal that it           Administration. A government entity can only do so
would be the beginning of a New Hope! A hope              much and is influenced by the sitting administration.
filled with the gifts of support, encouragement,          Founded in 2004, they have experienced the ebb
enthusiastic empowerment and enrichment.                  and flow of administrative policy over the years.
Camp4Heroes is a sanctuary, a respite and escape.
It has given me the opportunity to expand the             In addition to financial support, The Coalition offers
opportunity of recovery, healing and stepping up          health and career support as well as their annual
my journey of happiness in a tremendous way.              Road to Recovery (R2R) Conference. R2R is a multi-
“Veteran, Ian McClanahan felt the same way. “When         day all expenses paid educational and motivational
you walk-in (or, more likely, “wheel-in”), you find the   event for wounded veterans and their families to
huge Christmas tree and fire place surrounded by          enable them to approach the future with hope and
comfortable, homey places to sit. The seating to the      to be better prepared for the challenges that lie
bedrooms are set-up for comfort. While some other         ahead. It features seminars, workshops and panel
“retreats” have been specifically organized for you to    discussions where attendees learn about resources
not really be comfortable but to make you engage          and services available.
in conversation with people who, after a long day

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