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Generalized disorder of cerebral function which may be acute or chronic
progressive or static
Infections, toxic (e.g. lead), metabolic and ischemic.
Cerebral palsy (Little's Disease)
It is an encephalopathy resulting from malfunction of motor unit of the
developing brain due to brain insult during prenatal , natal and postnatal
periods → central motor deficit non progressive ,non familial , non hereditary
may be associated with , mental retardation ,epilepsy ,visual defect , deafness
, speech defect.
➢Prenatal (80%): TORCH infection, teratogens, intrauterine hypoxia.
➢Perinatal (10%): birth asphyxia, birth trauma, IC hemorrhage.
➢Postnatal (10 %): kernicterus, meningitis, encephalitis, IC hemorrhage.
Classifications :
•Topographic (anatomic ) classifications :
Hemiplegia : Arm & Leg on same side of body (R or L)
Diplegia : Arms and Legs but legs more involved
Quadriplegia or Tetraplegia : Arms and Legs equally involved OR Arms more
involved than legs
Remaining terms describe rare limb patterns