Page 12 - Cover Letter and Medicare Evaluation for Dorothy Schmitt
P. 12

Plans that appear to meet your criteria

                                These four plans are compared on this page and the following page

                                                                                                 AARP Medicare
                                                                             Humana Gold Plus
                            Plan Name     Medigap Plan F    Medigap Plan N                      Advantage Choice
                                                                               HMO-POS Plan
                                                                                                  Plan 1 (PPO)

                    Toll-Free Number           NA                 NA           (800) 833-2364    (800) 555=5757
            QuaSection Heading            How do these plans compare?
            lity ratings from
               Can you continue to see
                    your physician(s)?         Yes                Yes               Yes               Yes

             Do you need referrals to

                       see specialists?        No                 No           In most cases           No
                                        Medicare does not  Medicare does not
             Medicare's quality rating     rate Medigap      rate Medigap     4.5 out of 5 stars  4 out of 5 stars
                                             policies           policies

                                         Excellent. It does   Excellent. It does               Average for a PPO;
                How good is the plan's  not have an out-of- not have an out-of- Good -- $3,650 for  $5,900 in network
               catastrophic coverage?      pocket limit,      pocket limit,   services in network and $8,950 in and
                                              though            though                           out-of-network

                                                                             $250 a day for days  $295 a day for days
             How much does a hospital                                         1-5 in a network   1-6 in a network
                            stay cost?          $0                $0           hospital; $0 for   hospital; $0 for
                                                                                 days 6-90.         days 7-90
                                Benefits for services not covered by Medicare

                                                                             No co-pays for oral  No co-pays for oral
                                                                                exam, teeth       exam, teeth
                   Routine dental care     Not covered        Not covered
                                                                                cleaning, and     cleaning, and
                                                                                dental x-rays     dental x-rays

                                                                               No cost for eye   No cost for eye
                   Routine vision care     Not covered        Not covered
                                                                              exam and glasses  exam and glasses
                                                                               $25 co-pay for    Limited benefits
                     Hearing benefits      Not covered        Not covered    exam; hearing aids   including free
                                                                                $199-$499.        hearing exam
                                            After $250        After $250
                        Foreign travel  deductible, 80% of  deductible, 80% of   Some coverage   Some coverage
                          emergencies     costs ($50,000     costs ($50,000    (not specified)   (not specified)
                                           lifetime limit)   lifetime limit)

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