Page 16 - Cover Letter and Medicare Evaluation for Dorothy Schmitt
P. 16

Medigap Plan Comparisons: This chart shows how much cost-                       Core Benefits
            sharing you will have in each Medigap plan. Not included are
            payments for services that Medicare does not cover like routine
            dental/vision care, hearing aids, benefits for more than 100 days a             A            B
            skilled nursing facility, and so on.

                      Est. Medigap premiums for a 70-year-old woman in Sussex County, DE  $1,250       $1,575
                        Each plan's benefits relative to 100% coverage of all Medicare gaps  70.7%     85.6%
                    Coverage Area                      2023 Coverage Gap
                                          $400 daily co-pay for days 61-90;
               Part A Hospital Co-Insurance $800 daily co-pay for days 91-150; All plans   You pay     You pay
                                          cover 365 additional days.                     nothing       nothing

            Part A Skilled Nursing Facility Co- A $200 daily co-payment for days 21-100 in
                                Insurance a skilled nursing facility                   Not covered   Not covered

                    Part A Hospice Care Co-  5% co-insurance for respite care;           You pay
                                Insurance  $5 co-payment for inpatient drugs             nothing
                            or Co-Payment                                                              You pay
                                                                                         You pay
                  Part A Hospital Deductible In 2023 the Part A deductible is $1,600

                          Part B Deductible In 2023 the Part B deductible is $226      You pay $226 You pay $226

                                          20% of Medicare-approved amounts for
                  Part B Co-Insurance or Co-  most services covered by Part B after the   You pay      You pay
                                 Payment                                                 nothing       nothing
                                          $226 deductible is paid

                                          In most states, providers who do not
                      Part B Excess Charges accept assignment can charge up to 15%     Not covered   Not covered
                                          more than Medicare-approved amounts.

                                          Medicare does not cover medical care
                                          outside the United States. But the seven
              Foreign Travel Emergencies** Medigap plans indicated do offer some       Not covered   Not covered
                                          coverage for emergency medical care in
                                          other countries.

                                                                                         You pay       You pay
                                    Blood First 3 pints of blood
                                                                                         nothing       nothing
            *Estimated annual premiums are based in most cases on your state insurance department's Medigap premium
            comparisons or on quotes from an actuarial firm. There can be large variations in premiums from one company
            to another, and it's a good idea to get several current quotes.

            **Plans C, D, F, G, M, and N include benefits for foreign travel emergencies. They cover 80% of cost of medical
            emergencies while traveling in other countries, with a  $250 deductible and a $50,000 lifetime limit.

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