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P. 16
SEEC Magazine 16 February/March 2017
solid food. Heb 5:13 For every one that partaketh of milk is without experience
of the word of righteousness; for he is a babe. Heb 5:14 But solid food is for
fullgrown men. There comes a time all should be skilled in the Word to be able
to teach it, not necessarily from a pulpit but through life and relationship. We all
need spiritual fathers but we also should have a Timothy we are teaching or disci-
pling. If the season comes to teach and you are not discipling, you go dumb.
Smith Wigglesworth, Apostle of Faith, was asked by a lady why he was excited.
He answered that he had laid hands on his wife and child and they were healed
that morning. She said she wanted that excitement and received Christ and the
baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then she asked, “How do I keep this?” Smith an-
swered, “You had better go give it away.”
We cannot sit and hear only. We have to be skilled enough in scripture to
face whatever situation comes to us in life. We should be able to use it as a sharp
sword to battle life challenges. Heb 5:14 But solid food is for fullgrown men,
even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and
evil. We don’t develop muscle by sitting on the couch eating popcorn. The good
and evil is not right and wrong but the doctrines that are of God and that are not
of God. Jesus said in John 17, that if you will to do my Word and do it, you will
know what is a doctrine of God or not, but people are confused and don’t know
when they don’t live a life of obedience. This is why God gave the five-fold min-
istry of maturing the saints, so that we be no more tossed to and fro by every
wind of doctrine. There are little winds of doctrine right now that are taking peo-
ple away, which is a sign of immaturity. Ern Baxter said the thing that caused
him great concern about the charismatic move was losing the solid foundation of
the Word of God and moving to emotionalism. People do not know how to dis-
cern what is solid word and what is unhealthy. We cannot grow on the wrong
doctrine. Look around, you will find that is evident.
Maturing is coming into a father’s likeness. (In biblical culture, a huios
should come into his father’s likeness and his inheritance at thirty years old.)
Jesus did this and said when we have seen Him, we have seen the Father.
Christlikeness is being like the Father. Mat 5:48 Ye therefore shall be perfect, as
your heavenly Father is perfect. A tree may not be perfect but it can be mature.
It does not say that we can totally mature in faith but we can in love. Perfect love
casts out all fear. I can love you even when you shut me out. Love makes your
world bigger than yourself. Unless you are maturing in love, your whole world is
you. Unless we are maturing in love, we are not becoming a fullgrown huios.
(This article was taken from a teaching given by Simon Purvis. He is the lead teacher at the Word of
Life Teaching Center in Luflin,TX. Training is at 10:00am each Sunday. To contact him about speak-
ing engagements or to purchase his 160 page study manual on the Kingdom of God, call Word of
Life Teaching Center at 936-639-2000; Email:
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