Page 17 - Vol21Iss1
P. 17
SEEC Magazine 17 February/March 2017
Larry will be speaking at Kingdom Congress 2017.
Like most ministers, I set aside time at the beginning of each new year
to seek the Lord for directives and instructions to set the course for the
coming year. More often than not, each of these times yields a download
of a list of both. However, this year was different. There was no exten-
sive list of deep revelations. There was a simple directive from the Lord,
and it went like this: Do not live in your past. Learn from it. Grow from
it. Let go and move on from it. Do not let the past define your present.
Let your present be defined by your future. A generation died in the wil-
derness because they could not get their past out of their present. A dif-
ferent generation determined to allow their future to define their present.
That generation secured their future and seized their inheritance.
That being said, The Lord directed me to Hebrews 3 which is a syn-
opsis of the failure of Israel to believe God while in the trial of the wilder-
ness. Having been delivered from their slavery in Egypt and given the
promise of a sure inheritance by God through Moses, a generation was
unable to seize the moment, believe the promise of the Lord, and push
forward to attain the future hope of living in a new and better place. Their
present was defined by their past; so much so, that given the opportunity,
many would have returned to the bondage of Egypt in a heartbeat. Their
future was derailed because they allowed the past to define their present
state. In their present state, they were blinded from their future because
they were emotionally stuck in their past. Their past defined their present