Page 27 - Vol21Iss1
P. 27
SEEC Magazine 27 February/March 2017
Melissa will be speaking at Kingdom Congress 2017.
Ahhhh, change is in there air! Here we come 2017! We're just a wee
bit into the new year and there is already something different. On January
1st I was getting ready for church when I heard the Lord say, "Take this
year week by week." I kept trying to make it "day by day", simply be-
cause that is a familiar mantra, but that's not what He said. As the day
progressed I found much comfort in that instruction. Day by day is en-
tirely too much pressure to see something done, accomplished, change in
a 24 hour period. And the year as a whole is completely overwhelming!
So, week by week is actually doable.
Doing this year week by week, so far, has been a joy. For one thing,
it says to me that change is definitely coming. It reminds me to stop
thought patterns like, "this is just life", "this is how it will be from here on
out." Just because this week turned out this way does not mean next week
will. 2017 is the year of the pieces coming together. This is the year the
picture is getting clearer. So, get ready for revealing week by
week. That's one thing that has been undeniable. Things have not all
snapped into place and life hasn't completely changed, but there has been
confirmation every week regarding this being a year of major change.
Three days after getting this instruction for 2017 I heard, "You are
tiptoeing into something big." First let me say, I am sharing all of this
because I know it wasn't a personal word. It is for all that can hear. I
found the word "tiptoeing" an interesting word choice. So, I looked it up
to see if there was anything I was missing. The definition men-
tioned "caution" and "stealth". Well, wow. In both of those cases your
entrance is not announced. You are carefully put into position before your