Page 28 - Vol21Iss1
P. 28
SEEC Magazine 28 February/March 2017
presence is known. This tells me we need to get ready to be revealed this
year. God has purposefully taken the time to get us ready for what's
Even though the sky is clearing there may be a storm or two that pops up as
we head into the God ordained days ahead. No worries though, the storms have
to "be still" and bow to the intention of God. In prayer the other night I heard this
after it came out of my mouth, "Your Kingdom is over this nation and you are
releasing another increment upon us." What if we are that increment?! What if we
are the stealth measures He is putting in place to release a deeper increment of
His Kingdom on this earth? Me thinks we are!
"You crown the year with your bounty, and your paths overflow." (Ps. 65:11
AMP) Crown here is the Hebrew word “atar”. It means to encircle for protection.
So, we really are tiptoeing into something big this year and we are protected as
we approach our reveal. And let's just top it off, "Your paths overflow" says this
year is marked with abundance. The biggest fight we have at this point is truly
believing our God is as good as He really is! Happy new year.
What If We, and What If God?
I recently was talking to 3 young men in our church that had started a pod-
cast a year and half ago. I was just amazed at what it had become in such a short
time. They have nearly 30,000 listeners a month and they have had the opportu-
nity to interview incredible people in the Kingdom whether they are in the church
or marketplace. As we spoke, something amazing stirred in me. They were tell-
ing the story of how the Uncommon Legacy Podcast was conceived and started.