Page 10 - NewLifeInTheHolySpirit
P. 10

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                   What is the "fruit" of the Spirit?
        Q,                                                                             Q          What are the "gifts" of the
                                                                                                  Holy Spirit?
        The Bible gives the analogy of a vine and branches. God is the
                                                                                        When you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, the Lord has spiritual
        Vine and as you stay connected with Him and as you continue to
                                                                                        gifts available for you, on a personal level, for your spiritual
        abide with Him, God's Holy Spirit will naturally develop and
                                                                                        edification and growth.
        produce His fruit in your life (see John 15).
                                                                                        On a secondary level for public ministry, the Holy Spirit chooses
            "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,           spiritual gifts for certain believers (I Corinthians 12:441).
            goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, against
            such there is no law." (Galatians 5:22, 23)
                                                                                        In the Bible, when Paul asks, "Have all the gifts of healing? Do all
                                                                                        speak in tongues? Do all interpret?" (1 Corinthians 12:30), these
        When a grape branch is healthy and connected to the vine, it will               questions are referring to the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the
        grow and produce grapes. The branch does not need "to work"
                                                                                        church body and for public ministry to others.
        or "to try" hard. A grape branch naturally grows grapes.
                                                                                        Power Gifts:
        If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit lives in you. As you begin
                                                                                            •  Gifts of Faith
        to step into ministry and as you begin to see God's spiritual gifts
                                                                                            •  Working of Miracles
        develop in your life, it is important to continue to develop the
                                                                                            •  Gifts of Healing
        fruit of the Spirit in your life. The fruit of the Spirit and the gifts
        of the Spirit are both important for your personal life and for                 Vocal Gifts:
        effective ministry to others.                                                       •  Gift of Tongues
                                                                                            •  Interpretation of Tongues
            "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest                 •  Gift of Prophecy
            of these is love." (I Corinthians 13:13)
                                                                                        Insight Gifts:
                                                                                            •  Word of Wisdom
            Love          Patience         Faithfulness                                     •  Word of Knowledge
            Joy           Kindness         Gentleness                                       •  Discerning of Spirits
            Peace         Goodness         Self-Control
                                                                                        On a personal level, every believer can have a measure of these
                                                                                        spiritual gifts. All Christians can pray in faith, ask for miracles,
                                                                                        seek wisdom and discernment, and speak forth (or prophesy)
                                                                                        God's Word and His truth. As you grow in your New Life in the
                                                                                        Holy Spirit, He will continue to empower you, more and more,
                                                                                        to minister to others and to live for Him.

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