Page 9 - NewLifeInTheHolySpirit
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                                      III II Ile I lialy  Sa1.11111.
 But if my mind can't understand it,    How can I receive this power of the
 Q • 	   Q,        Holy Spirit?
 why should I pray in tongues?
          If you want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, all you have to do is
 When you pray in tongues, you speak "mysteries" to God.   to ask. Your Heavenly Father wants for you to receive this gift of
 In the Bible, God gives many reasons for praying in tongues:   His power and one of the main reasons why Jesus came was to
          baptize you with His Holy Spirit and with fire (see Luke 3:16).
 •  God understands the "mystery" of praying in tongues.
 (I Corinthians 14:2)   When Jesus taught about the Holy Spirit, He said, "Ask and
              you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door
 •  Jesus said believers "...will speak with new tongues."   will be opened unto you. Fr every one that asks receives, and
 (Mark 16:17)   he that seeks finds, and to Itim that knocks, it shall be opened
              unto him" (Luke 11:9-10).
 •  Praying in tongues can help you when you do not
 know what to pray for or how to pray. (Romans 8:26)   Sometimes, it can be helpful to have someone pray for you and to
          lay hands on you. In the Bible, Christians received this spiritual gift
 •  When you pray in tongues, God's Holy Spirit helps   as fellow believers laid hands on them in prayer.
 you to pray His perfect will. (Romans 8:27)
 •  Praying in tongues edifies your spirit, like charging
 up a battery. (1 Corinthians 14:4)   The following is an example of how you can pray
           to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit:
 •  Praying in tongues helps you to feel rested and
 refreshed. (Isaiah 28:11-12, I Corinthians 14:21)
              Lord Jesus, I love You and ask You, right now, to fill me
 •  Praying in tongues is a way to worship and glorify   and to baptize me with Your Holy Spirit and with power,
 God. (I Corinthians 14:15)   so that I can be an effective witness for You in this world.
              Holy Spirit, I invite You to come upon me with Your power
 •  Praying in tongues magnifies God. (Acts 10:46)   and Your gifts and with the evidence qfpraying in other
              tongues. I welcome Your presence upon me and I desire
 •  Praying in tongues is a part of your spiritual armor.
              to receive all that You have for my life.
 (Ephesians 6:13-18)

 •  Praying in tongues strengthens (or builds up) your   Name:
 faith. Uude 20)

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