Page 173 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 173

Motor Fleet
in addi on to the limit of indemnity under Sub-Sec on A of this Sec on, the limit of the Company's liability under this Extension shall not exceed R10 000 (ten thousand Rand), in respect of any one occurrence, or the amount stated in the Schedule.
Emergency Accommoda on (only applicable to private type motor cars and light commercial vehicles up to a GVM of 3 500kg)
Accommoda on for the Insured and/or spouse as well as any passenger whom is travelling with the Insured in respect of an emergency as a result of:
1. loss or damage to the vehicle; or
2. mechanical, electronic or electrical breakdown of the vehicle;
the Company will pay up to R500 ( ve hundred Rand) per person or R2 500 (two thousand  ve hundred Rand) in the aggregate any one occurrence or R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) in the aggregate and any period of insurance.
Tracking device
If the tracking device   ed to the vehicle is unrecoverable or damaged beyond repair, the Company will pay the reasonable replacement value of such device up to R1 500 (one thousand  ve hundred Rand).
Loss of fuel
The Company will pay for loss of fuel from the fuel tank of the vehicle stated in the Schedule as a result of:
1. a collision involving the vehicle; or
2. the /hijacking of the vehicle or any a empt thereat accompanied by violence or threat of violence;
1. the Insured shall provide proof of the quan ty of fuel contained in the vehicle's fuel tank at the  me of loss;
2. the Company’s liability shall not exceed R1 000 (one thousand Rand) any one occurrence; and
3. the Insured shall be responsible for the  rst R250 (two hundred and   y Rand).
The Insured shall pay in addi on all other  rst amounts payable in terms of the original claim.
Unauthorised used by employees
The Company will indemnify the Insured in the terms of and subject to the limita ons of this Sub-Sec on A and Sub-Sec on B in the event of any accident occurring while the vehicle is being used or driven by any person without the knowledge or consent of the Insured for any purpose not permi ed under this Policy;
the Insured shall take all reasonable precau ons to ensure that all persons who may use or drive a vehicle are made aware of the permi ed purposes of use as de ned in the Policy.
OPTIONAL CLAUSES AND EXTENSIONS (if stated in the Schedule to be included) Con ngent liability
The indemnity under Sub-Sec on B includes claims made against:
1. the Insured in the event of an accident arising in the course of the business and caused by or through or in connec on with any motor vehicle, not the property of or provided by the Insured, while being used by any partner or director or employee of the Insured (hereina er in this Extension referred to as 'such person');
2. any such person in the event of an accident arising in the course of the business and caused by or through or in connec on with any motor vehicle not belonging to such person or to the Insured or leased or hired by either of them, but only in so far as such person has not been refused any motor insurance or con nuance thereof by any insurer;
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