Page 180 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 180
Enroute In-Car Insurance
Bodily Injury Resul ng in:
% of maximum Permanent Total Disability in the Schedule
B. Permanent and total loss of: (cont...)
q) all toes on one foot
r) great toe of either foot
s) any other toe
30% (thirty percent) 10% (ten percent) 2% (two percent)
Permanent disability not speci ed herein
the % which in the opinion of the Company is consistent with the above bene ts in so far as possible.
The insurance provided in this Sec on is subject to the following:
1. The Company will not be liable to pay for Death, Permanent Total Disability, Temporary Total Disability or Medical Expenses resul ng from a Motor Vehicle Accident or series of Motor Vehicle Accidents arising from one cause in respect of any one Insured Person, more than the applicable Bene t payable for death or Permanent Total Disability (whichever is the higher). Temporary Total Disability and Medical Expenses bene ts shall be paid in addi on thereto subject always to the policy limits stated in the Schedule.
2. The compensa on for Temporary Total Disability shall cease as soon as the bodily injury causing the incapacity has healed insofar as it is reasonably possible notwithstanding that Permanent Disability may remain but shall in any event not be payable for more than the number of weeks stated in the Schedule.
3. The Company will not be liable for more than the limits stated below in respect of death bene ts for Insured Persons under 16 (sixteen) years of age:
3.1 under 6 (six) years of age: R10 000 (ten thousand Rand);
3.2 6 (six) years of age and over but not exceeding 15 ( een) years of age: R30 000 (thirty thousand Rand)
4. The Company will not be liable in respect of any Insured Person to pay weekly bene ts more than the average weekly earnings of such Insured Person for the 12 (twelve) months (or part thereof) preceding the accident in respect of Temporary Total Disability.
5. The Company will not be liable for more than 25% (twenty ve percent) of the bene t for Temporary Total Disability in respect of Insured Persons who are unemployed at the me of the Motor Vehicle Accident.
6. The Company will not be liable for any amount payable in respect of Temporary Total Disability in respect of any Insured Person under the age of 15 ( een) or any person over the age of 15 ( een) who is a student and not in full me employment.
7. The Insured Person shall not be insured under more than one En-Route In-Car Insurance Policy with the Company. If however an Insured Person is covered by more than one En-Route In-Car Insurance Policy with the Company, only the En-Route In-Car Insurance Policy with the highest bene t will be called upon to indemnify the Insured Person, but subject always to the Terms and Condi ons of that Policy.
1. Disappearance
In the event of the disappearance of the Insured in circumstances which reasonably sa s es the Company that the Insured has sustained bodily injury and that such bodily injury has resulted in the death of the Insured immediately prior to their disappearance, the Company will presume the Insured's death and pay such death bene ts as may be applicable under the Policy;
if a er the Company has made payment of such bene t, the Insured is found to be alive, such bene t shall forthwith be refunded to the Company by the Insured or the Insured's estate as the case may be.
2. Exposure
Bodily injury shall include injury caused by starva on, thirst and/or exposure to the elements directly or indirectly resul ng from a Motor Vehicle Accident.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 179