Page 62 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 62

Loss of or damage to all contents (the property of the Insured or for which they are legally responsible) of any insured building(s) at the insured premises described in the Schedule as a result of the  accompanied by visible signs of forcible and violent entry into or exit from such building or any a empt thereat or as a result of the , or any a empt thereat, following violence or threat of violence.
The Insured shall be responsible for the  rst 10% (ten percent) with a minimum of R750 (seven hundred and   y Rand) in respect of each and every claim or the amount stated in the Schedule.
The Company will also pay for loss or damage to property as a result of:
1. Losses caused or accompanied by:
1.1 a thief or thieves being concealed upon the insured premises before close of business;
1.2 entry to and/or exit from the premises being e ected by use of a skeleton key or other similar device (excluding a duplicate key);
the Insured shall establish to the sa sfac on of the Company that such a skeleton key or device was used.
2. Losses whilst in a building at any addi onal premises:
2.1 such addi onal premises are advised to the Company within 30 (thirty) days from the  me the risk a aches to the Company;
2.2 an addi onal premium, if any, is paid;
2.3 the Company’s liability in respect of this Extension shall not exceed 50% (  y percent) or the amount stated in the Schedule.
3. Damage to buildings
Damage to the buildings including landlord's  xtures and   ngs whether inside the buildings or a ached to the outside of the buildings at the insured premises in the course of the  or any a empt thereat;
the Company will not be liable to pay more than R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) per event.
4. Addi onal costs
The Company will also pay for costs incurred but excluding any amount recoverable under any other Provision or Sec on in respect of:
4.1 loss of buildings, landlord's  xtures and   ngs at the insured premises as a result of the  accompanied by forcible and violent entry into or exit from such building or any a empt thereat or as a result of the ;
4.2 temporary repairs in respect of all reasonable costs and expenses in e ec ng such temporary repairs and in taking such temporary measures as may be reasonably necessary a er loss or damage;
1. the Company shall not be liable to pay more than R10 000 (ten thousand Rand) in the aggregate each and every event;
2. the Insured shall be responsible for the  rst R750 (seven hundred and   y Rand) in respect of each and every claim.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 61

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