Page 65 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 65

Loss of or damage to money (as de ned) occurring in the Republic of South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique except if otherwise speci ed;
the liability of the Company for all loss or damage arising from all occurrences of a series consequent upon or a ributable to one source or original cause shall not exceed the speci c limits stated in the Schedule.
Cash, bank and currency notes, cheques, postal orders, money orders, current nego able postage, revenue and holiday stamps, credit card vouchers and documents, cer  cates or other instruments of a nego able nature, prepaid vouchers, the property of the Insured or for which they are legally responsible
Any safe, strong-room, strongbox,  ll, cash register, cash box or other receptacle for money or any franking machine
Clothing and personal e ects not otherwise insured belonging to the Insured or to any principal, partner, director or employee of the Insured
The Company will indemnify the Insured against loss as a result of illegal use of any credit, charge, debit or cash card issued in the Insured's name;
1. the card is used by an unauthorised person;
2. the loss is reported immediately to the South Africa Police Service and the registered issuing administrator of the card a er the loss of the card is discovered;
3. the Insured complied with all terms and condi ons of issue by the registered issuing administrator related to lost or stolen cards;
4. the liability of the Company shall not exceed R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) per event or R15 000 (  een thousand Rand) during any insurance period.
Receptacles and clothing
In addi on to any payment in respect of a de ned event, the Company will indemnify the Insured in respect of receptacles and clothing (as de ned) lost or damaged as a result of the  of money or a empted the  of money;
the Company's liability under this Extension shall not exceed R5 000 ( ve thousand Rand) any one claim or the amount stated in the Schedule.
Seasonal increase
The major limit as stated in the Schedule is increased by 15% (  een percent) during the period of 15 December to 15 January or any other period as stated in the Schedule;
1. the Company shall not be liable to pay more than 15% (  een percent) of the major limit or R25 000 (twenty  ve thousand Rand), whichever is the lesser, or the amount stated in the Schedule;
2. the Insured shall be responsible for the  rst amount payable as stated in the Schedule.
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