Page 186 - Hollard Business Policy - Binder
P. 186
3. Hijacking
The Policy is extended to cover bodily injury to the Insured in the event of unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise of control of a Motor-Vehicle Accident on which the Insured is being conveyed by means of violence or threatened violence.
4. Terrorism
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Exception 1 to this Policy, the insurance provided by this Policy is extended to cover Death, Permanent Total Disability, and/or Medical Expenses arising from "Terrorism activity" as defined in the Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities Act, 2004 as amended;
the Company shall not be liable to pay any Benefit in respect of the Insured arising from:
1. the performance by the Insured of obligations in terms of the Defence Act, 2002, or the South African Police Services Act, 1995 at a place from which military or police actions are carried out; or
2. consequent upon such person's actual engagement in military or police actions.
5. Trauma counselling
In the event of an Insured Person being subject to an act of violence or trauma in a Motor Vehicle Accident which in the reasonable opinion of the Company has given rise to circumstances which justify counselling, the Company shall subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Section, reimburse such Insured Person for counselling fees actually and reasonably incurred by such Insured Person as a result of such act of violence or traumatic accident;
1. the maximum amount payable by the Company will be R300 (three hundred rand) per counselling session and R3 000 (three thousand rand) for any one Motor Vehicle Accident;
2. the act of violence shall mean an assault, robbery or car hijack or attempt thereat;
3. the act of violence has been reported to the police as soon as possible and a case number obtained.
The Company shall not be liable to pay any benefit for any claim directly or indirectly consequent upon:
1. war invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not) civil war, rebellion, military or usurped power or whilst the Insured is on active service with the military, naval, air or police services of any nation;
2. participation in labour disturbances, riot, strikes, lock out or the Insured committing a criminal offence;
3. wilful exposure to danger (except in an attempt to save human life), intentional self-inflicted injury, suicide or attempt thereat;
4. or caused by or contributed to by any pre-existing physical defect or deformity or sickness or disease or any condition for which the Insured had received treatment, or medical advice, prior to the date of the Motor-Vehicle Accident;
5. the Insured travelling on a motorcycle whilst engaging in racing or speed or duration tests of any kind, or whilst the Motor-Vehicle is being used for any purpose other than that for which it was built and registered;
6. the Insured being the driver of the vehicle or conveyed on a Motor-Vehicle driven by a driver whilst such driver is not in possession of a valid driver's licence authorizing him or her to drive the Motor-Vehicle;
this Exception shall not apply to an Insured who was a passenger at the time of the Motor-Vehicle Accident and was not aware that the driver was not in possession of a valid driver's licence, subject to the onus being on the Insured to prove that he or she was not aware that the driver was not in possession of a valid driver's licence at the time of the Motor-Vehicle Accident;
Enroute In-Car Insurance
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