Page 21 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 21
Motor Claims Procedures
1.1 Read the claim form and check that it has been completed correctly and that all the necessary informa on is available. Speci cally check and verify the following:
1.1.1 me period between date of loss and date claim reported;
1.1.2 me of loss, linked with the descrip on of accident as well as the possible usage of the vehicle;
1.1.3 details of vehicle (registra on number, odometer reading, vehicle descrip on and engine and chassis numbers);
1.1.4 descrip on of the use of the vehicle;
1.1.5 client's personal details and speci cally the client's employment details linked to use of the vehicle;
1.1.6 if driver other than Insured, driver's employment details linked to use of the vehicle;
1.1.7 if an own damage and/or third-party claim, insurance details of the driver, if Insured was not the driver at the me of the event;
1.1.8 descrip on of the incident in rela on to the type of damage described (if any);
1.1.9 details of police sta on and case number/s;
1.1.10 whether the driver was tested for alcohol;
1.1.11 details of whether any criminal ac on has resulted from the event;
1.1.12 details of third party/ies and witnesses (if any);
1.1.13 signature/s of Insured and driver.
1.2 Scru nise all the details on claim form and follow the correct procedure:
1.2.1 if there is a possibility of a salvage/burnout;
1.2.2 if there is a possibility of liability as a result of a re or explosion claim or other injuries;
1.2.3 if there is a possibility of a Sasria claim;
1.2.4 if there is a possibility of a third-party claim or recovery from a third party;
1.2.5 if there is car hire cover available/applicable (follow policy wording).
1.3 If the claim falls within the claimant's excess and all the checks are sa sfactory, advise him/her to deal directly with the relevant panelbeater. Repairs will be authorised by the claimant and a copy of the invoice must be submi ed to the Broker should the claimant wish us to pursue a recovery on his behalf. (Always discuss rst.)
1.4 Refer all claims over mandate to Hollard.
The claim amount refers to own damage, plus third-party damage, plus any liability claims added together, before the deduc on of any excess and salvage.
1.5 Manage the client's expecta ons and inform him what the Claims department will do in order to process the claim accordingly.
1.6 Provide the client with an approximate me that it may take to for assessors or loss adjusters to meet and report on the claim. If you have commi ed to a me – abide by it diligently and keep your client informed about unexpected changes that may occur.
Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016 Page | 19