Page 23 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 23
Motor Claims Procedures
2.3 Foreign and Interna onal Licences
2.3.1 Sec on 23 deals with licences which have not been issued in terms of the Act but are deemed to be valid licences. Sec on 23 contemplates two categories of licences, namely: Licence issued in a foreign country An interna onal driving permit.
2.3.2 These licences are in certain circumstances deemed to be valid licences issued under the Act.
Regula on 110 deals with the procedural details insofar as foreign and interna onal licences are concerned.
2.3.3 Insofar as foreign licences are concerned the following requirements must be met: The holder of the foreign licence was not permanently or ordinarily resident in South Africa when issued. The foreign licence has been issued in an o cial language of the Republic or if in a non-o cial South African language, be accompanied by a cer cate of authen city or validity, which cer cate must be issued in an o cial language of South Africa or a transla on of that licence in an o cial language a ached to it.
2.3.4 Regula on 110(3) provides:
“When a holder of a licence referred to in sec on 23(1)(a) of the Act (a licence issued in any other country (i.e. a foreign licence)) or the holder of an interna onal driving permit referred to in sec on 23(1)(b) of the Act: returns to the Republic to resume permanent residence, such licence or permit shall no longer be deemed to be a valid licence for the purposes of Chapter 4 of the Act, a er one year from the date of return or obtains permission in terms of any law for permanent residence in the Republic, such licence or permit shall no longer be deemed to be a valid licence for the purposes of Chapter 4 of the Act, a er one year from the date upon which such person has taken up permanent residence.”
Insofar as interna onal driving permits are concerned, these are deemed to be valid licences, however are subject to the condi ons under which such interna onal permit was issued. The holder of an interna onal driving permit may convert that permit into a valid licence but must do so within one year of his returning to South Africa to resume permanent residence. There is no requirement for an interna onal permit to be accompanied by a cer cate of validity or transla on.
The Act does not make any dis nc on between countries which drive on the other side of the road to South African drivers. As long as the foreign licence holder or interna onal permit holder complies with the regula ons of the Act as set out above, the licences will be deemed to be valid.
2.4 Interna onal Driving Permits
A person who wishes to drive temporarily in another country, may apply for an Interna onal Driving Permit, in their country of residence, before departure. An Interna onal Driving Permit will only be issued for the class of vehicle for which the applicant currently has a valid driver's licence.
An Interna onal Driving Permit issued under the 1968 Conven on is generally valid for a period of 3 (three) years as from date of issue, while other Interna onal Driving Permits may be valid for only 1 (one) year, but subject to the laws of the respec ve country.
2.5 Visitors/Immigrants to South Africa
Certain licences issued in other countries are deemed as valid driver's licences for the class of vehicle for which they were issued by the relevant country, and they are valid in South Africa. All condi ons or restric ons on such a licence in the country of issue will s ll apply to that licence in South Africa.
Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – 2015/2016 Page | 21